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Who We Are

• Driven by passion and innovation, we are a boutique consulting firm providing a gamut of services focusing on agriculture and allied sectors

• We are the connecting link between you and the immense business opportunities that await you in agriculture in India


To unlock the business opportunities for companies in a rapidly growing Agriculture sector in India


We strive to empower the businesses – new or old - through our expertise and innovative solutions in driving their growth in agriculture sector in India

Why Choose Us ?

• A team of experienced cross functional professionals
• Expertise at multi-department, multi-ministry advocacy
• Hands on industry experience
• Complete project transparency

What We Do

We bring in a professional approach to all its services and leverage the strengths of our qualified and experienced team to achieve the desired results for you. We cater to the government as well as the private sector in India.

Our key offerings in Agriculture sector:

• FCO Product registrations

• Route-to-Market Strategy

• Implementation Support

• Policy Advocacy

• Product trials – Agronomic/Bio-efficacy, Chemical, Toxicity

• Establishment of Backward & Forward Linkages

• Consulting for various central government subsidy schemes in food processing sector

• Detailed Project Reports (DPRs)

• Feasibility and Market studies

• Food safety licensing

• Regulatory Support - Liason services with various Government Ministries and regulatory bodies – Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, NABARD, FSSAI, NHB, Pollution Control Board