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Unlocking the

We are experts at new product registrations under FCO guidelines in India. We have successfully helped domestic as well as foreign clients in registering and launching a number of FCO compliant products in the country.

We help companies chalk out best suited strategy for entering the vast Indian agriculture market

We provide Project Management Consultancy (PMC) services for various central government subsidy schemes in food processing sector (MOFPI, NHB, NABARD, etc.).

We do project planning for developmental and commercial projects along with technical support services to agriculture and allied sector industries. Our team excels in preparation of project feasibility studies and Detailed Project Reports (DPRs).

We help you obtain the necessary licenses and certification from FSSAI and other agencies for smooth running of your food processing businesses.


Driven by passion and innovation, we are a boutique consulting firm providing a gamut of services focusing on agriculture and allied sectors.

We are the connecting link between you and the immense business opportunities that await you in agriculture in India.



Completed Projects






Of Experience

Projects Completed

FCO Product Registrations
Agro Processing Clusters
Rice Processing
Spices Processing and Dehydration Units
Cotton Seed Cake Processing
Pulses Processing
Fruit Juice & Beverage Processing
Animal Feed Processing
Soy Nuggets Processing
Vegetable Oil Processing
Tea Processing
Marine and Aqua Food Processing
RTE & RTC Snacks Processing
Wheat Flour and Breakfast Cereal Processing
Dairy Processing
Cold Chain Infrastructure